To return to the small Channel Setup dialog box, click this button.
To adjust the channel frequency for best reception, drag this slider.
When this box is checked, the sound for this channel will always be played in mono instead of stereo.
If the sound for this channel should always be played in mono instead of stereo, click this button.
To set the video standard for this channel, use this pop-up menu.
To set the TV standard for this channel, use this pop-up menu.
To fine tune the channel frequency or to set the TV or video standard, click this button.
This button should be selected if this channel is available via a cable system.
If this channel is available via a cable system, click this button.
This button should be selected if this channel is available over the air waves.
If this channel is available over the air waves, click this button.
To set the frequency to use for this channel, use this pop-up menu..
Type the channel name here.
This is a preview of the channel settings you have made in this dialog.
To close the dialog box without saving the channel, click this button.
To save this channel and close the dialog box, click this button.
Unlocks the selected channels. Not available because no locked channels are selected in the list at left.
To unlock the selected channels, click this button.
Locks the selected channels. Not available because no unlocked channels are selected in the list at left.
To lock the selected channels, click this button. The channel password must be entered before you can view locked channels.
Removes the selected channels from the list of channels that can be viewed on your computer. Not available because no channels are selected in the list at left.
To remove the selected channels from the list of channels that can be viewed on your computer, click this button.
Sets up the selected channel. Unavailable now because no channel or more than one channel is selected in the list at left.
To set up the selected channel, click this button.
To set the channel list to include only those channels with valid signals, click this button.
This is a list of the channels that can be viewed on your computer.
To close the dialog box without saving any changes, click this button.
To save your changes and close the dialog box, click this button.